21 - Ethan Lopez

Member since 2004
Career Stats:
AVG - .422
OBP - .488
OPS - 1.082
Hits - 588
Runs - 371
RBI - 497
IP - 461-2/3
W-L Record - 38-34
Saves - 22
ERA - 2.49
Strikeouts - 523

Career Leader:
Hits - 588
2B - 140
RBI - 497
Saves - 22

Single Season Leader:
Saves - 4 ('07, '13) Tied with Kyle Nelson

2020 DFW-ABA Hall of Fame Inductee
Career Managerial Record: 453-219-19 (.669)
2000 NABA Denver All Star Game MVP
2000 NABA Denver League Champion: 18-4-1
2001-02 NABA San Angelo League President
2002 Player on Mile High Tournament Champion


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